Episode 22
Imagine the Work | Reimagining What the DNC Means to MKE w/ BID 21
This week, two weeks out from the original date of the Democratic National Convention and with the announcement of the virtual DNC Across America, Rooted in Milwaukee, Mac and David revisit their pilot episode from Feb 11 to look back to the Halcyon Days of planning for an inspiring citywide arts activation during the convention.
The gang also welcomes Beth Weirick, CEO of the Downtown BID, and Gabriel Yeager, Downtown Environment Specialist for the Downtown BID, to talk about how they've been able to pivot their planning for an in-person DNC to creating a more vibrant shared neighborhood for all Milwaukeeans.
Tunes at Noon kicks off this Thursday, July 2 on streaming in Facebook.
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Audio Transitions: "Let Go," by Lex Allen